Are taped conversations from jail cells admissible in court?

Asked on
Thursday, Feb 07, 2013

I got arrested and held in a cell overnight. The police are saying they heard me on camera talking with the other dude in the cell about the crime and that my words admitted guilt. Can anything I said in the cell get used against me?


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Feb 11, 2013

Yes. Anything you say in jail is recorded. Jails are riddled with police informants. If in jail you should never say anything without your attorney present

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Feb 11, 2013

If the "other dude" was just another person in the jail, yes it is admissible. If the police sent him in to engage you in conversation, it may not be. There is no expectation of privacy in a police station. You should never say anything about what you may or may not have done to anyone but a lawyer.