Brian Wanerman

A Criminal Defense Attorney

A Criminal Defense Attorney

Criminal Defense Lawyer

I am a firm believer in the right of every defendant to zealous representation to protect their rights. After interning for two public defenders and graduating from law school, I opened a criminal defense practice. I represent clients in misdemeanor and felony cases at trial and appeals as well as in related civil and administrative cases such as DMV hearings, asset forfeiture proceedings and parole hearings


Law Office Of Brian K. Wanerman Suite 7119100 Sacramento , CA. 95814

Recent Answers

what will show up in a employment background check

It depends on what program you actually did. If it was a true diversion, then your case was dismissed. This would have been a true dismissal and there should be no record of a criminal conviction. In a diversion program, you plead guilty. Bu...
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Are taped conversations from jail cells admissible in court?

Yes. Anything you say in jail is recorded. Jails are riddled with police informants. If in jail you should never say anything without your attorney present
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