There is a state lab chemist under investigation in the Massachusetts. She had been employed at the state lab between the years 2003-2012. She carried a heftier workload than other chemists at the lab, but is alleged to have tampered with evidence bags, weights, and the calibration of the testing instruments. She also had access to the evidence safe and the samples from other chemists. Problems with the chemist were first learned in June 2011, but the directors did not notify proper authorities until December 2011. Both current and former chemists were interviewed as part of the investigation, informing authorities that she had routinely violated lab protocols. In some instances she is accused of obtaining drugs from one case that had tested negative, only to combine it with another sample to produce a positive test result. She is also accused of identifying a substance as a particular drug without testing it. She has been indicted on obstruction of justice charges. For much more on this issue visit my Criminal Law Blog at Simply click the Criminal Law Blog on the Home page.