Facing a DUI charge in Colorado can be a daunting experience. The legal complexities and potential consequences can be overwhelming.

Understanding your legal options is crucial. It can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case.

We will discuss Colorado laws, the importance of having a good DUI attorney, and the need for a strong defense strategy. We'll also discuss the potential for plea bargaining and the consequences of a DUI conviction.

If you are charged with driving under the influence, it's crucial to talk to a DUI defense lawyer. The Lawrence Law firm provides free consultations for individuals dealing with criminal charges. Feel free to reach out to our office with any questions.

Understanding Colorado DUI Laws

Colorado has stringent laws against driving under the influence (DUI). These laws are designed to promote public safety and deter impaired driving.

The legal limit for blood alcohol content (BAC) in Colorado is 0.08%. However, you can still face charges if your BAC is lower but your driving is impaired. It's also important to note the difference between DUI and DWAI (Driving While Ability Impaired) in Colorado.

Key points to remember about Colorado DUI laws:

  • Legal BAC limit is 0.08%

  • You can be charged with DWAI if your BAC is between 0.05% and 0.08% and your driving is impaired

  • Colorado's Express Consent Law implies that you consent to a chemical test if lawfully arrested for DUI

  • Refusing a chemical test can result in severe penalties, including license suspension

  • Repeat DUI offenses carry harsher penalties

Immediate Steps After a DUI Arrest

If you're arrested for a DUI in Colorado, it's crucial to act quickly to protect your rights. The first step is to hire a skilled DUI attorney who can guide you through the legal process.

Here are some immediate steps to take after a DUI arrest:

  • Contact a DUI attorney as soon as possible

  • Do not admit guilt or make any statements without your attorney present

  • Request a copy of the police report

  • Document all details of the arrest, including the location, time, and any potential witnesses

  • If your license is confiscated, request a temporary driving permit from the DMV

  • Begin preparing for your DMV hearing and court proceedings

The Role of a DUI Attorney

DUI attorney plays a vital role in navigating the complexities of Colorado's DUI laws. They can help formulate a defense strategy, challenge the evidence, and negotiate plea bargains.

Your attorney can also guide you through the DUI court process, from arraignment to trial. They can contest the results of field sobriety tests and chemical tests, challenge the legality of the DUI stop and arrest, and explore the possibility of case dismissal. It's essential to be honest with your attorney about the details of your case for the best defense.

Challenging the DUI Stop and Arrest

In Colorado, law enforcement must have probable cause to stop and arrest you for a DUI. This means they must have a valid reason to believe you were driving under the influence. If they lacked probable cause, your attorney could challenge the legality of the stop and arrest.

Your defense may include:

  • Questioning the officer's observations and judgment

  • Challenging the legality of the sobriety checkpoint, if applicable

  • Disputing the accuracy of field sobriety tests

  • Arguing against the validity of the breathalyzer or blood test results

Remember, understanding your rights during a DUI stop is crucial.

Contesting Chemical and Field Sobriety Tests

Chemical and field sobriety tests play a significant role in DUI cases. However, their results are not always accurate and can be contested. Factors such as medical conditions, improper administration, and faulty equipment can affect the results.

Your defense may include:

  • Challenging the accuracy of the breathalyzer or blood test

  • Questioning the officer's training and ability to administer the tests correctly

  • Highlighting any medical conditions that could have affected the results

  • Disputing the timing and procedures followed in administering the tests

Remember, Colorado's Express Consent Law implies your agreement to these tests. Refusal can lead to severe penalties.

Exploring Plea Bargain Options

Plea bargaining is a common strategy in DUI cases. It involves negotiating with the prosecution to reduce charges or penalties. This can result in lesser charges, such as 'wet reckless,' which carries fewer consequences than a DUI conviction.

However, plea bargaining is not always the best option. It requires careful consideration of the case specifics, potential outcomes, and long-term implications. A skilled DUI attorney can provide valuable guidance in this process.

Potential for Case Dismissal

In some cases, a DUI charge may be dismissed. This can occur if there were procedural errors, violations of rights, or insufficient evidence. For instance, if the arresting officer did not have probable cause for the stop or arrest, the case could be dismissed.

However, achieving a case dismissal is not easy. It requires a thorough understanding of Colorado laws and a strong defense strategy. Here are some potential grounds for dismissal:

  • Lack of probable cause for the stop or arrest

  • Violation of the defendant's rights during the arrest

  • Inaccurate or unreliable results from breathalyzer or blood tests

  • Insufficient evidence to prove the defendant was driving under the influence

Consequences of a DUI Conviction

A DUI conviction in Colorado can have severe consequences. These can include fines, jail time, and license suspension. The severity of the penalties often depends on the specifics of the case, such as the defendant's blood alcohol content (BAC) and whether they have prior DUI convictions.

Here are some potential consequences of a DUI conviction in Colorado:

  • Fines ranging from $600 to $1,500 for a first offense

  • Jail time ranging from 5 days to 1 year for a first offense

  • License suspension for 9 months for a first offense

  • Mandatory alcohol education and treatment programs

  • Installation of an ignition interlock device in your vehicle

  • Increased car insurance rates

  • Potential impact on employment opportunities and professional licenses

It's important to note that these are just potential penalties. The actual consequences can vary based on the specifics of your case and the judge's discretion.

Alternative Sentencing and DUI Education Programs

Colorado law authorizes alternative sentencing for defendants facing jail. These can include community service, probation, or participation in a DUI education program. These alternatives aim to rehabilitate the offender and prevent future DUI incidents.

People can serve jail time in a variety of ways. The court can permit a defendant to serve their time on work-release or in-home detention. The alternatives that are available will depend on the facts of your case. For example, a third DUI conviction will only have work-release as an alternative to jail.

DUI education programs are often a mandatory part of the sentencing for a DUI conviction. These programs educate participants about the dangers of impaired driving and provide them with tools to avoid future offenses. Participation in such programs can sometimes lead to reduced penalties or even dismissal of charges in certain cases.

License Suspension and Reinstatement

A DUI conviction in Colorado will typically results in the revocation of driving privileges. This revocation is a result of the Colorado Express Consent Statute. In a DUI case, there is a separate process for challenging the license revocation that defendants must follow.

The length of the revocation varies depending on the number of priors and facts of the case. If someone doesn't take a blood or breath test, they will have their license revoked for a longer time. Understanding the process of license reinstatement is crucial to regaining your driving privileges.

The process typically involves:

  • A person who refuses must go 60 days before reinstatement.

  • If the person submits to chemical testing, they can make a reinstatement request immediately.

  • Payment of reinstatement fees. The fee is typically $125.

  • Enrollment in a level 2 a DUI education program

  • Installation of an ignition interlock device, in some cases

If you drive with a revoked license, you may face additional penalties. Be sure to follow the reinstatement process promptly.

Long-Term Implications and Expungement

A DUI conviction in Colorado can have long-term implications, affecting employment opportunities and insurance rates. Some jobs, like firefighter or police officer, may always be unavailable.

Individuals that drive commercial vehicles will also have issues and problems. Commerical insurance companies will not insure individuals with DUI convictions on their records.

To understand the full ramifications, a defendant should always contact a DUI defense attorney to understand their unique situation.

Speak with a Colorado DUI Attorney

If you are charged with a first DUI in Aurora or the Denver Metro Area, request a consultation today. If you want to hire a lawyer, we are open during regular business hours. We have weekend and afterhours available.

Schedule a free consultation with a DUI Defense attorney from the Lawrence Law Firm. We are ready, willing, and able to represent you. Our firm charges flat fees, but we also provide flexible payments plans. Your financial situation should not compromise your legal defenses.