Back from lunch. At the bench for 30 minutes before resuming. Are they redacting? No se. Then Limited Inquiry before the jury brought in.... Q" In depo in nine months ago you said Trayvon Martin alive one to three minutes now up to ten minutes. A: Opinions always changes. Mine changed two or three weeks ago about how long he lived. Based on another autopsy he did "similar to Trayvon Martin." Now he wants to explain about Opinion. Not true or false just right or wrong. Never change opinion then you're retarded. Q: Tell DA? A: No. Q: When was last time you met with St's attorney? A:, Yesterday. Doc called and asked for appointment with attys. Talked 40 minutes. Can’t remember what he told DA. Q: Yesterday for 40 minutes, and don't remember? A: He's not my lawyer, I am independent voice. I did not write down. Purpose was about photos so no surprises. Difference between fact and opinion. Jeez this guy!
Trayvon Martin had pot in system. His opinion was that it had no effect on Trayvon Martin. Now he says his opinion has changed. " I can change every hour I don't see the problem." Now pot "could have" effect on Trayvon Martin. Spoke to other experts. Dr. Brooks a biologist expert in low dose radiology. This guy did research on pot effects. Boom, it's a " Richardson hearing" re did you tell DA opinion changed, not why, and did they failed to pass new opinion to defense. When did you change your mind about pot? Could be within 60 days when he knew this case would go to trial. Did not mention to DA he changed mind. He did say in yesterday's meet with DA " I will talk about tox report" in trial but DA didn't want to talk about it. Dr. says "jury has right to know, we can't skip" Nutball. Finding: No Richardson violation. Plus, puling stands so no pot info in front of the jury anyhow.
Cross Examination: Jury's back. Still on with Med Examiner. Tell us when you refresh recollection or rely on your notes, OK? OK. Then back over protocols about clothes. Dr. doesn't remember anything from day of autopsy. But says steps in protocol are normal. How do you scrape nails? Normal to use one stick for five fingers? " I don't worry about it, not by job." Q: One stick, you cannot ID which finger gave what. A: Don't know. Q: Were nails long or short? A: I told you I don't remember anything. If info Significant info, it's written, insignificant info no writing. Q: if you missed something its not written. A: I didn't miss anything. "Fingernail protocol is not my job." No nail clippings. Then re blood draw for tox analysis. He asks was peripheral blood taken and he says "You're trying to catch me. I told you I don't remember this case. I never draw blood in any case." Q: Any photos of Trayvon Martin's palms? A: No. Takes only three photos of whole body then "as needed." No injury, no disease, no photo. And then he's off... we started with conference in AM and I had other autopsy and cannot take 100 photos. No one can say more than I can about this autopsy. What? He can't remember anything about it. (smack to the back of his head) Onward: Trayvon Martin could get this abrasion from hitting George Zimmerman, or scraping cement or from falling down from being shot. Q: Falling on soft grass? A: NO. Hard surface needed. FINALLY a piece of information! Then he wants to tell all about "trace evidence." stop. Q: what was Trayvon Martin's height? A: Not height because dead man can't stand. So, length. Q: OK, how long was Trayvon Martin...71" BMI was 22 normal is 25. So, skinnyish. Last Nov you said Trayvon Martin lived one to three minutes. Now one to ten minutes. WHY? Based on subsequent experience of three weeks ago. Personal experience. Have you written any articles on gunshot wounds? No Any writings on survival times? No. No data base about survival times but three weeks ago I had an autopsy ... Stop, wait for next question. Three weeks ago man shot dad in self defense in heart, same as Trayvon Martin. Wounded man called 911, made pain noise, pronounced dead in ten minutes. Interested because same injury as Trayvon Martin. (Everyone just gave up and let him tell his little story.)
Opinion: Trayvon Martin could not move or speak when shot changed to able move a little and make pain noise a little. He did not do autopsy in the other similar case. Now he's on about "only one person knows. No one knows but him! "
Court: You need to answer what you're asked. He says " I haven't finished" Court:. I know, just wait for next question. They all have had enough of him by now, the court, the reporter, and me. I'm too weak to follow the conversation about "contact wound" but upshot is in this case it was not a contact wound. This is intermediate range shooting. 0.4 inch out to 4 feet. De Mayo's book consulted.
RE-direct: Report of autopsy, 6 pages. 7 pages of his personal notes. Then he goes on about The Truth. "No one can know truth, only opinion." Stop talking. DA is trying to show the notes and prep of this witness just a memory refresher. Hands curl up when you die so no photos of palms. No chance to survive shot. DA Q: You used to think this and now you think that. All the same tooth-pulling questions. If you saw a tarp on the body in the rain,, is that protection of evidence? A: According to my "NEW Memory” not my memory from a year ago, he was covered. DA: now "do you think...strike that. Was there... strike that. Dr. wins, he wore everyone out. Excused subject to losing a bet.