4 minutes. Long time to do nothing. What was Trayvon Martin (TM) doing? George Zimmerman (GZ) said at 7:11:40, He's running. Did he walk home? Did he run home? The 4 minute mile was broken decades ago. TM had the opportunity to go home but he did not. We know that. Factual innocence. Someone had spite and decided it wasn't over with the running. Not the cop wanna be. The guy who decided to continue this was TM. State says he had no decisions, no options? Really? He had four minutes of planning. They want you to ignore that. Factual innocence. Now use your common sense. He's out in the dark with his baby flashlight. TM was doing something. Called GZ bad names. Who cares what they call him? Teens talk stupid, who cares? The question is, what happened? TM did something, which resulted in the confrontation not what GZ said, "If he had called me after the event I would have said shut up, say nothing." Particularly having shot someone. Take out the so-called self serving cop wanna be statements. What do we have? What we have is the photo of GZ at the scene. Otherwise we would only have the cleaned up photo. Start with this undeniable significant injury. And 40 seconds of screaming. I thought this case was game over when I heard the 911 call. They say it’s TM screaming while he's battering GZ but the voice cannot be identified. You get to decide or not decide then it goes to GZ. Look at his immediate statement. He looked beat up. He had been told to drop it and raise is hands, Then he heard a helpful someone say to his wife on his phone that he had been in a shooting. State says he said Just tell her I killed a guy. That is not, is not what he said. Maybe it sounds insensitive a year from then, but he was telling wife that he's OK. Natural she should be worried when she's told. In a car accident, if you say your husband's been in a car wreck, first question is, is he OK? He was telling her. Right away, first thing, GZ says he was screaming and no one came to help him. Mastermind criminal? He better say he was screaming. Did master mind know to do that? When he was told TM had died GZ was affected. You the jury should tell the State don't do this to us. Factual innocence here. You can flip the standard upside down.
One witness told us about distances to the "T." One told about TM’s height. Dispatch said he heard no anger or hate even re-hearing it. Dispatch is trained to listen for these things. Sometimes these things turn on that. He accepted GZ’s thought that he should go find out. One witness brought calls in. Lady who set up Neighborhood Watch brought stats and showed an assault on this neighborhood. These calls are the suspicious things in area where they don't belong. GZ described as meek. You know they have uniforms and a car with yellow lights he could use to act like a cop. GZ said no thanks. But the State says ill will and hatred from wanna-be-ism? What you think is not evidence. No speculation. The HOA guy said GZ helped with parking enforcement. No complaints about his actions were brought to you. No reports of GZ doing something wrong. One guy caught who burgled there and the State says GZ was frustrated because the stucco guy caught the perp. Ill will from that? Are you kidding? Stucco guy caught the perp and now GZ is filled with hate and ill will? There are two dots with miles between. Initial cop was great, loves his job and he's good at it. The benefit of lack of evidence goes to GZ. YOU decide what and who to believe. Check credibility of Ms. Smith, suddenly left to right noises. Well, TM came from left to right to confront GZ. Who knows about her? One witness heard three pops. Get off this lying thing. There are always inconsistencies. She got it wrong and she's wrong about who was on top. She said shot was from top and went through TM's back. Through back. Wrong. Vantage Point movie there's one scene and 8 stories. She did what we all do but she made assumptions from evidence she saw afterwards, photo of TM at 12. Me at 12, I was the guy beaten up. She thought a 12 year old got beat by big adult guy. She acknowledged she could be wrong. It's not a lie, it's just perspective. That's for the jury to decide. Rachel Jeantel didn't want to be here. I conjecture that her mom got with TM's mom about what happened. TM and RJ had gone to elementary school together and had been re-connected for only two weeks. Not his girlfriend. If you asked me what I talked to my wife about last Wednesday and then the Tuesday before that, I could give you an idea but I have no exact recall. But if asked, did you do this? And didn't he say this? The witness will say "Oh yeah." I am sorry Rachel Jeantel got into our lives. Her frailties came out and she didn't want them to. TM was closer to his dad's house than to the 7-11. She heard him say Why you following me? Then she changed. Her first interview was in the presence of TM's weeping mom.
Ms Lawer said she saw movement down below and heard one person yelling. Other witness, John Goode's statement is a, basis for the animation. The first cops on the scene said GZ got his butt beat. And the arms under the body. If you are concerned, one hand was out in the photo. Does not show ill will. Dr. DiMaio said TM had time to do that after GZ got off. So, probable. First we hear of MMA training is in his medical records from the next day. Gym trainer this was no fighter, Nice guy but no fighter. Officer Singleton saw GZ's response when she told GZ that TM was dead. There are no significant inconstancies, some but not lies. Take the challenge interview. GZ knew somehow that the cameras weren't working? Sure, super cop knows everything. Officer Serino is on tape telling GZ that TM had filmed it all on his iphone. GZ says Thank God. Inconsistencies are not a worry. Dr, Boa, the State's medical examiner said there were a minimum of four hits. Fine. Instructions say if GZ suffered injuries at time of the shot, it's significant because no injuries are necessary to use force. A reasonable fear of great bodily harm is all that's necessary. Getting hit certainly indicates danger. Actual injuries are icing in self defense. It's his state of mind when he did what he did that is important. Absence of DNA means nothing. Getting his butt beat is a good indication of great bodily harm. Remember the teacher who said it's not a good idea to wait to defend yourself?
to be continued...