
Asked on
Monday, Apr 04, 2016

If a 38 smith & western fire arm was taken and submitted into evidence for an involvement on a criminal case but 2 1/2 years later ON NEW DNA report from that same case says a DNA obtain from a 38 Taurus. what is the best remedy in this situation when the evidence is a different firearm From the one they first submitted .


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Apr 04, 2016

In order to know what the "best remedy" is, an attorney may need to review all the evidence, maybe conduct discovery depositions, and possibly even retain expert witnesses to analyze evidence. Then, based on all this information, and their training and experience, they would likely be able to give their opinion as to the best remedy, which may be to take a plea, file evidentiary motions, and possible to take the case to trial.

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Apr 04, 2016

The best "remedy" is to not play lawyer and instead to hire one. There is a solid reason for Abe Lincoln's age old quote that "he who represents himself has a fool for a client". Please do not be that fool. My advise is firm: Hire a lawyer. I hope that I have been helpful in answering your question.