How much time am I likely to serve

Asked on
Saturday, Dec 29, 2012

The case arose in Pennsylvania.I am on probation for heroin possesion .This last arrest was in a friends car. I wasn't doing heroin and asked him to take me home. He decided to park on the street and shoot up first. When a cop rolled by he drove away and was pulled over for no apparent reason. He was not speeding or anything. I wasn't wearing shoes because i had been working in the cold all day and had 3 pairs of heavy socks my shoes wouldnt fit Apparently when he dumped his empty bags one feel into my shoe. I exited the car like I was asked with no shoes. The cop told me to get my shoes and walk home. When I went into the car to get my shoes he stopped me and got the shoes from the car himself. According to him there was one empty bag in my shoe inside the car. The bag was not mine but I was detained anyway and searched, they found nothing on me but took me in anyway. Do I have any defense?? Will I definately serve a lot of time. Thanks for your help.. What should I expect I haven't heard from my po and was not arrained


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