Is drug diversion a substance abuse recovery program and should it be disclosed on an application for the California Medical Board?

Asked on
Tuesday, Oct 08, 2013

I completed drug diversion about 15 years ago and had my case dismissed. I am filling out an application for the California Medical Board that is asking if I have ever been convicted of, or pled guilty or nolo contendere to any offense in the U.S. including convictions expunged or set aside pursuant to section 1203.4 of the California Penal Code. Also, it asks if I have ever been enrolled in, required to enter into, or participated in any drug, alcohol, or substance abuse recovery program or impaired practitioner program. Does drug diversion mean I have if I never went to any rehab and never went for any further drug treatment or programs? The application is for licensing from the California medical board. They will do a background check including Live scan fingerprinting. Thank you!


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