Sexual harassment is sadly a relatively common phenomenon. It can happen in public, or in a room with only two individuals. Harassment can be difficult to spot and much harder to prove, depending on the situation.
After receiving a sexual harassment complaint, a sexual harassment lawyer may investigate you and/or your company to discover if your interaction was part of a pattern of behavior, a regular practice, or a policy that impacted a significant number of people. This investigation, on the other hand, is not the same as a lawsuit you might be able to file in court.
At work, there are commonly three types of sexual harassment: verbal, visual, and physical.
3 Types of Sexual Harassment
1. Physical
The most evident and well-known type of sexual harassment is physical sexual harassment. Unwelcome contact, such as rubbing up against someone, physically interfering with another's actions, or keeping someone from finishing their job, are examples. If employee A wrapped their arms around employee B and employee B felt uncomfortable, employee B may request that employee A be terminated. Employee A might also stop employee B from leaving the copy room with their body, preventing employee B from leaving without having to touch employee A, making B a victim of physical harassment at work.
2. Verbal
Verbal or written harassment is also a very apparent kind of workplace harassment, as well as the one you're most likely to face. Here are a few ideas of how this may occur:
· Frequent requesting dates or sexual favors in person or through text
· Inquiring about a family member's illness or genetic anomalies
· Making snide remarks about a person's disability or age or physical attributes
· Imitating a foreign accent behind someone's back.
Technology is the most important thing to be aware of nowadays. For example, if one person forwards an email with a pornographic image, it may quickly spread across the company, exposing someone.
3. Visual
Because it is the most intimate and needs you to put yourself in the shoes of the other person, visual is possibly the most difficult to recognize. Some examples include:
· Clothing that contains obscene or demeaning statements
· Sexually explicit posters or photographs.
· Sending others sexually suggestive text messages or emails
· Generating visuals that are aggressive or insulting by videotaping obscene or violent content
Although many individuals might find such acts entertaining, others may find it disrespectful and complain that it is generating a hostile work environment.
Lastly, you may encourage workers to speak out if they believe they are being harassed at work.
Eliminating various forms of workplace harassment is a continuous endeavor. It necessitates taking a deeper look at what's going on in your office and putting yourself in the shoes of a variety of people. It also means informing your staff about the many types of workplace harassment and what they can do to avoid it.