From what authorities have said, the body of a man was found inside of an Orange County home that was previously set on fire. The fire occurred during a police standoff that occurred as a result of what may have been a violent crime. Officers had initially been called out around 6:50 AM on Saturday August 3.

They received reports of a man running through a neighborhood park, according to a sergeant of the Cypress police department. Officers were dispatched to the 11000 block on Panay Street in Cypress. When they arrived they apparently made visual contact with the suspect.

Officers who responded to the call say that they actually saw the suspect cross the street. The suspect ran into a local resident's yard and this prompted police to surround the house. The suspect apparently vanished, but police later found that there was a broken window through which the suspect probably crawled inside.

For whatever reason the house was set on fire a short time later, according to a statement released by the sergeant. Firefighters extinguished the flames. When they had done so, the body of an unidentified male adult was found inside. Fortunately the actual residents of the home were not there at the time, which means that any further injuries were avoided.

The case may end here if the body later matches descriptions of the suspect, though it's of course possible that it might have been the body of someone else. If that were the case, police would have to continue to search for the initial suspect who committed the crime in the first place. Currently very little seems to be available about the motives that caused the suspect to behave the way that he did.

Under the law, carrying a weapon and creating havoc in a populated area isn't taken lightly. Nevertheless, it's not nearly as serious as actually stabbing someone. The suspect only appears to have been carrying a knife, so that would adjust charges should the suspect not have perished in the fire. It still looks like arson could have been a possibility.  

See for more information on crime in Orange County.