Can a bondsman issue a warrant for non-payment of a bond?

Asked on
Friday, Aug 31, 2012

I have been making payments to my bondman but now I'm unable to pay the amounts but I didn't skip town and I made all of my court appearances. He's threatening to have a warrant issued for my arrest.


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Sep 04, 2012

Neither a bondsman nor a DA nor cops can issue warrants, contrrary to the oft'-uttered threats about such - only a judge has the power to do so. The bondsman can, for cause, surrender you to the court if you have become a risk, but failure to pay your contractual obligation on such things is not grounds, and you should report any such threat or effort to the state insurance commissioner. Your contractual default due to indigency does not make you a flight risk. He did not have to let you make payments, but once doing so, he is somewhat stuck.

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Aug 31, 2012

The way it normally works is he would take you to court and ask that the bond be withdrawn. Then you would have to surrender and be taken into custody until another bond was posted. Obviously, I don't know the specifics of the charges against you or any other details but it might be possible to be released on your own recognizance if you have a private attorney and have a record of keeping your court dates.