Can a person be charged with vandalism for destroying their own property?

Asked on
Sunday, Jan 06, 2013

My wife and I had an argument. In the heat of the argument, I broke a vase on the table. The police were called and charged me with vandalism. Is this proper or will it be thrown out of court?


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Jan 07, 2013

I AGREE WITH kAREN kENNY. gET A SPECIALIST .criminal defender. Joe Vandervoort Chico Ca 40 years

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Jan 06, 2013

The police do not decide what will be charged. It will depend on what your wife and you told them and what, if anything, the DA decides to charge. If the vase is hers, you could be charged with vandalism, if you threatened her verbally, that could be a "criminal threats" charge or if you threw anything at her, that could be an assault charge. Do you have an actual court date to appear? If so, you should retain an attorney. I offer a free consultation and would be happy to meet with you to discuss the facts in more detail.