Can police search my home if they think I'm on parole even if I'm not?

Asked on
Thursday, Apr 18, 2013

I am off of parole. The police came to search my home and said they knew I was on parole (even though I was not) and entered to search it. Is this legal? or can I get the marijuana that was seized from my bedroom thrown out?


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May 09, 2013

Much of it depends on why they thought you were on parole - surmise, rumor, told so by presumably knowledgeable authorities, saw your name on old parole folder, saw it on new parole folder? That goes into the good faith hopper, and there is nothing more to add to Scott's answer.

Medium photo

Apr 19, 2013

There are two issues here. The first may hinge on whether there was a reasonable belief that you were on parole. The second is whether the police or your parole officer did the search. If either of these issues is in your favor, the marijuana should be suppressed. You should consult a criminal lawyer to assess the facts of your case.