I was wrongfully arrested and got beat up by a officer and while i was handcuffed he punched me in my ribs 4 times brusing them please i need to know what to do so these type's of things wont happen to someone else

Asked on
Friday, Sep 14, 2018


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Sep 07, 2022

If you have bruises get pictures of the bruises. Have a third party take the pictures so you have a witness to the bruises to being real. If you have an attorney representing you in the criminal matter tell your attorney what happened and that you want to pursue it. You will then need to submit a report and complaint to the law enforcement agency the officer is from. That will get you started but there are many different steps you will have to take. It is a civil rights matter against a government agency. It will be considered a government tort claim and must be filed within 6 months of the event. It is also a criminal matter. The first step is to get pictures and submit a police report.

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Feb 27, 2021

Speak with someone in Internal Affairs at the police department involved. If that does not work, reach out to the local U.S. Attorney’s Office and report the incident.

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Oct 05, 2020

First, you should consult with an attorney about a possible civil rights case. If you do not want to seek a civil rights action, at a minimum you should file a written complaint to the Chief of Police and send a copy to your city council and mayor's office. Your state attorney general may also have an interest in it as well and you may want to send a copy of your letter there.

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Jul 08, 2019

Please check this link and share your friends: https://www.jmoorelegal.com/practice-areas/criminal-law