Is a gift for sexual relations considered payment and prostitution?

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Wednesday, Apr 24, 2013

I had sexual relations with a man, over a course of a week. Every time we would have sexual intercourse, he would buy me extravagant items or spend large amounts of money on fancy meals for me. Now I'm being told that what I am doing can be considered illegal prostitution. I'm not a prostitute and I don't work like that either. I don't want to do anything illegal here. Am I accepting these gifts as payment for prostitution or are they gifts?


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Apr 24, 2013

This looks similar to a question posed on another service, and my answer is the same. You can have amorous connections with someone and they can do nice things for you without it being prostitution; it becomes the latter only if there is an understood quid pro quo. Indeed, there is expected to be a give and take in the society of civilized people without there being commitments or nasty labels associated with such. Those gifts are gifts and nothing more, or less.