My wife was in a Hit and Run accident two days ago and wants to turn herself in.

Asked on
Tuesday, Sep 18, 2012

My wife was in a car accident but she left the accident because she was getting nervous and sick. She was getting asthma attack, got scared and took off. She is pretty sure the other driver is ok, because the only damage was the back of the car's bumper. (not much) Now she want to give herself up to the cops. Can you tell me what to do?


Medium photo

Sep 20, 2012

She absolutely should not turn herself in. If they find her, she should shut up. People have to stop feeling guilty about what they do in life and stop feeling that they owe something to the police if they have misstepped - that is called a police state. Tell her to chill. She will have a rather signficant crimiminal offense on her record if she beefs herself to the cops.