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Michael S. Berg

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Legal Options for Fighting a DUI in Colorado
Thursday, Jul 18, 2024

Facing a DUI charge in Colorado can be a daunting experience. The legal complexities and potential consequences can be overwhelming. Understanding your legal options is crucial. It can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. W...

DUI Denver Services
Thursday, Jul 11, 2024 DUI Law Firm Denver brings a unique combination of knowledge, skills, and experience to the fight on your behalf. We know the law, science, how to win and what you're going through. DUI Law Firm De...

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Possession With Intent To Distribute
By Michael S. Berg

Possession of drugs with the intention of distributing or selling them is illegal under a large number of state and federal laws. The potential penalties will vary according to the type and quantity of drug involved and the circumstances of the...

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