
33 People Indicted in Motorcycle, Gun Trafficking Ring

Authorities in New York have cracked down on a motorcycling and gun trafficking ring that they say was involved in lifting expensive motorcycles off the streets of New York and selling them at throwaway prices. A jury in Manhattan has indic...
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3 Men Sentenced for Assault under Federal Laws

Three men were who found guilty of attacking an African-American man at a bus stop in Houston, Texas last summer have been sentenced.  The sentences range from 2 ½ years to more than 6 years.  This is the first case in the stat...
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Feds Investigating Bribery Fraud Allegations against New Jersey Mayor

Investigations into bribery charges involving the mayor of a New Jersey city are currently on.  The Federal Bureau of Investigation is currently seeking evidence into allegations of bribery, extortion, fraud and money laundering involving ...
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Penn State Faces Severe Penalties after Sandusky Conviction

Penn State's woes after the conviction of former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky, who was convicted on charges of child molestation and abuse, have not ended. In fact, if anything, the future is increasingly dim for the celebrated team. The Natio...
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Colorado Shooting Defense Team Faces an Uphill Task

It will not be an easy few months ahead for the criminal defense team that is currently representing James Holmes, the 24-year-old man who has been accused of gunning down 12 people at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado. For obvious reasons,...
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James Holmes' Psychiatric Evaluation

With speculation rising that the legal defense team for James Holmes will probably enter an insanity plea, it is likely that the young man who is at the center of the shooting tragedy, will be subjected to a psychiatric evaluation. Experts wi...
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Premeditation Challenges to Colorado Shooter's Defense

Any chance that James Holmes has at all of walking away from the Aurora shooting tragedy without the death penalty depends on whether his lawyers are able to prove that there was no premeditation involved in this crime. However, the chances of t...
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Holmes Insanity Defense will Be a Tough Sell

The state of Colorado does not allow people like James Holmes to plead insanity all that easily. The state has some of the tougher laws against insanity pleas in the country. In Colorado, a person who wants to plead insanity in defense of the ...
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Post Colorado Shooting, Questions on Loner-Psychopath Links

After the Colorado shooting in which 12 moviegoers were killed by a lone gunman, questions are once again being asked about a possible association between an individual's introverted nature and possible psychopathic tendencies. Similar questi...
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Higher Domestic Violence Rates for Returning Veterans

According to new research conducted in the UK, one in every 8 soldiers who returns home from combat has been involved in a domestic violence incident. The research was conducted by the King's Center for Military Health Research, and involved ...
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