
Time Limits for Filing Criminal Charges in Arizona

Should the government have an unlimited amount of time to try to prosecute you? I think that most of us can agree that the answer is no. This is true for many reasons, but the overarching reason is because it just wouldn’t be fair. For exam...
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What you need to know about probation violations

Probation violations in Arizona can vary in how serious they are. No matter the seriousness of the violation, they need to be dealt with immediately. That’s because a probation violation can lead to jail, prison, or other life changing penal...
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Looking to Examples to Understand Misdemeanor Assault

In Arizona, misdemeanor assault can be charged as either class 1, 2 or 3 misdemeanor. A class 1 misdemeanor is the most serious misdemeanor, and a class 3 misdemeanor is the least serious misdemeanor in Arizona. Many people are surprised to learn ...
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Holiday DUI Task Force Season and Why You Should Care

The holidays are right around the corner and along with all the cheer and stress that comes with the season are law enforcement agencies coming out in droves in search of suspected drunk drivers. Make no mistake, it is hunting season. Law enforcem...
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Diversion – A Chance to Earn a Dismissal of Criminal Charges

Can a person charged with a crime really complete some classes and have the charges against them dismissed? The answer is, yes. This type of program is referred to different names across the country, but in Arizona the most common name for it is d...
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How Do I Know What My Blood Alcohol Level Is?

In Arizona, it is against the law to drive or be in actual physical control of a motor vehicle while impaired to the slightest degree. But what does that actually mean? The answer is that it ultimately depends on what a jury thinks it means. In ot...
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Will My License Be Suspended If I Am Charged With a DUI?

****attention – Arizona Dui Laws Have Changed As Of January 1, 2023.*** Many articles that you read relating to DUI laws in Arizona may not be up to date or accurate. Attorney Steven Scharboneau played a key role in the passage of these new...
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How much does a misdemeanor DUI cost in Arizona?

Getting a DUI in Arizona can be very expensive. Between fines, fees, costs of getting an interlock installed on your vehicle, mandatory classes and other miscellaneous costs—it is not cheap. We know it’s not cheap, but how much do...
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Should I Get a Lawyer for My First DUI in Arizona?

Should I Get a Lawyer for My First DUI in Arizona? Many people facing DUI charges for the first time ask, “Should I get a lawyer for my first DUI? How serious can it be?” The quick answer is yes, you need a lawyer when facing drunk d...
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Will You Go to Jail for a Second DUI in Arizona?

Penalties for Second DUI in Arizona Like any legal question, the short answer to whether you will go to jail for a second DUI is that it depends. However, the penalties are almost universally harsher for a repeat DUI offender, especially in Arizo...
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