
Zimmerman Trial - Day 11: Proffer after hours of guns, drugs and fighting

Trayvon Martin's Phone Records and Text Messages   See, what happened was the State did not turn over all the info extracted from Trayvon Martin's (TM) phone until June 6th.   Now with an expert, and a program cal...
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Zimmerman Trial - Day 11: Witnesses of Trayvon Marting George Zimmerman Fight

NORTON BONAPARTE JR.:   He was employed by City of Sanford at time of playing the tapes of 911 call and non-emergency call for Trayvon Martin's (TM) family.  It was decided to play all the tapes for the family.  (Snippy littl...
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Zimmerman Trial - Day 11: Cross Examination of Dr. Vincent DiMaio

Cross Examination:     Witness statements goes toward manner.  Hypo doesn't have to be accurate.  George Zimmerman (GZ) has a bias and stake.  If his statement not match evidence shows not truth.  Aware GZ was ...
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Zimmerman Trial - Day 11: Medical Pathologist Expert Dr. Vincent Di Maio

DR. VINCENT Di MAYAO:  forensic pathologist for 40 years.   Brilliant and clear.  Med degree from NY in 1965.  Interned at Duke.  Lots and lots of academics and practice.  Board Certified in anatomical,  ...
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Zimmerman Trial - Day 11: Animation of Event

SCHUMACHER   -  Court inquires about reliability and elements of event-re-creation animation.  Motion capture suit. (XSENS) This suit doesn't have little balls like we're used to,  but 16 accelerometers gives a ...
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Zimmerman Trial - Day 10: Victim's Dad and MMA Training

OFFICER CHRIS SERINO:  Investigator.  Trayvon Martin's (TM) dad came to the station with his girlfriend and complained to Serino that no arrest had been made in his son's killing.  (Glimpse of Dad in audience shows him tr...
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Zimmerman Trial: Day 10 - Defense Questions Zimmerman's Family and Friends PA...

MONDAY  DEFENSE CONTINUES: SAUNDRA OSTERMAN -  Nice lady, very nervous.   Seminole County, Fla for 16 years.  Wife of Mark Osterman, the friend of George Zimmerman's (GZ) who wrote a book about GZ who testified ...
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Zimmerman Trial: Day 10 - Defense Questions Zimmerman's Family and Friends PA...

Trayvon Martin's (TM) mother and George Zimmerman's (GZ) mother both testified on Friday, Day 9.   Trayvon Martin's mother appeared as the prosecution's last witness and George Zimmerman's mother was the first witn...
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Criminal threats or free speech: a fine line?

This case seems particularly problematic on many levels to me as a criminal defense attorney in Los Angeles who has handled countless terrorist threats cases (also known as criminal threats).  In California terrorist threats can be charged...
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George Zimmerman Trial - Who Was Screaming? Part 4

Motion for acquittal: - Standard for Acquittal.  The court must determine if any there's any evidence of ill will and hatred to get to second degree murder.  See evidence in light most favorable to prosecution.   In this...
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